Marketing Communication

Benefits to Marketing Communication

Companies that develop and market technology-based products have unique challenges in today’s marketplace.

You want to communicate compelling benefits, but not overwhelm target customers with technical complexity.

Whether your customers are businesses or consumers, they ask the same question about your promotional information: “What do I care? What’s in it for me?”

For example, “database lookup” is not a benefit—neither are “required fields.” The benefit is the ability to obtain meaningful reports from structured, complete data. That is why employees of high-tech companies are often the wrong people to create marketing communication—if you are intimately involved with developing a product, you may not realize what explanations new or novice customers need.

Because TecEd is a user experience firm, we observe customers’ behavior every day. Some of them might be happier with a different choice from your product offering—or with a more comprehensive service contract. Marketing communication, based on user research, guides prospective customers to buy the right product for their needs, rather than clogging your tech support lines with calls.

As a full-service firm, TecEd can help integrate your pre-sales and post-sales support, so these communications all present a consistent view of your products. An integrated program of information design and visual design can ensure that both your marketing and technical communication:

  • Use the same terminology to refer to products and their features
  • Make consistent assumptions about your target audiences
  • Agree on product positioning and which benefits to emphasize
  • Present a unified visual identity