Following a Fast-Moving Target: Recording User Behavior in Web Usability Testing
Presents techniques for capturing user behavior accurately and completely in real time. In Common Ground 8 (May 1998), the publication of the Usability Professionals’ Association (UPA).
Assessing Web Site Usability from Server Log Files
White paper (December 1999) on how to glean usability data from web server log files and how to use that data.
Analyzing Usability of a Beta-Version Web Site Through Server Logs, User Profile Data, and Online Questionnaire Responses
This paper discusses the use of automated data collection to learn from hundreds of beta-test users of a web-based industrial product database how successfully the product met their needs. The collected data consisted of web server log data, opinion data from online questionnaires and follow-up interviews, and user profile data from telerecruiting and online registration was also collected. In the Proceedings of the 1998 Usability Professionals’ Association Conference.
Usability Studies of WWW Sites: Heuristic Evaluation vs. Laboratory Testing
Describes the strengths and weaknesses of two usability assessment methods frequently applied to websites to illustrate issues of special interest to designers. In the Proceedings of the 1997 Association for Computing Machinery’s Special Interest Group on Documentation (ACM SIGDOC).