Usability Testing for Accessibility

TecEd conducts usability testing using participants with impairments to evaluate accessibility. Usability testing for accessibility goes beyond the standards-based accessibility evaluation methods to learn how real users interact with a website or software product. Usability testing with impaired users also provides feedback on a product’s ease of use and usefulness, not just its accessibility.

TecEd Handles the Specialized Components Needed for a Successful Usability Study With Impaired Users

  • Usability lab. TecEd’s usability lab in our Ann Arbor headquarters is wheelchair accessible and includes room for an interpreter, assistant, or guide dog as needed.
  • Recruiting and scheduling. We recruit participants using specialized sources and procedures. We also schedule sessions with allowance for the additional time typically needed for usability testing with impaired users.
  • Interpreters and assistants. We work with interpreters and assistants, sending them session materials and even meeting with them ahead of time so they can become familiar with the goals of the study, how the session will be conducted, and so on.
  • Session interactions. TecEd facilitators are skilled at probing for additional information, which often includes the many keystrokes that some impaired people use when interacting with a screen reader. Facilitators are also familiar with disability etiquette.
  • Reporting. Reports on studies with impaired users provide accessibility issues and usability issues, as well as recommendations for improvements.

To learn more about TecEd’s usability testing for accessibility services, please contact us at